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Photo of artist Cheryl Wisbrock

Cheryl Wisbrock


Each painting starts with the desire to communicate a visual story or recreate a time, place or memory.  Painting, for me, is an intense and exciting undertaking; I love the process -- happily manipulating pigment, medium and water to create a watercolor or acrylic image until it speaks to me.  We live in a beautiful setting, offering amazing land- and waterscapes and events which inform many of my paintings. In addition to coastal themes, I also enjoy depicting travel experiences, special times and places. My paintings are created in the studio or en plein air, where unique environmental challenges contribute to the fun (!).  I am honored to have earned awards for my art, and to know that my paintings are held in private and public collections.

Original Watercolor Painting by Cheryl Wisbrock
Original Watercolor Painting by Cheryl Wisbrock
Original Watercolor Painting by Cheryl Wisbrock
Original Watercolor Painting by Cheryl Wisbrock
Original Watercolor Painting by Cheryl Wisbrock
Original Watercolor Painting by Cheryl Wisbrock





Gallery One       PO Box 302       32 Atlantic Avenue       Ocean View, Delaware 19970       302-537-5055
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