Please join Gallery One in Ocean View as we celebrate our 12th anniversary and welcome new partner Mary Beth Patterson at a special artist reception Saturday, May 19, 5 – 7 pm. May’s theme “Up Up& Away” will be on display and open to the public May 2 – 29, 2018.
A special reception on Saturday, May 19, 5 – 7pm will honor the 12th anniversary of Gallery One and welcome partner artist Marybeth Paterson. The new annual Gallery One poster will also be unveiled featuring May’s theme “Up Up& Away” which explores many colorful variations of high flying kites through the eyes of Gallery One artists.

Marybeth Paterson’s oil “Higher than a Kite” portrays a birds-eve-view of a soaring kite. Her wonderful use of color, value and composition brings kite flying to life. Jan Moffatt’s “Let it Go” acrylic portrays her love of butterfly kites with bright and free flying kites soaring over the beach.“Up and Away” oil by Jeanne Mueller features a festive kite. “I love watching kites on the beach. I could watch them for hours swirling around on the air currents by the ocean.”
Lesley McCaskill’s acrylic “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” reveals the joy as the kite lifts into the air.“The endless beach provides space to run and the wind to lift the kite into the sky”. Dianne Shearon’s acrylic “Kite Tails” shows sailing kites above the dunes signaling a sign of summer.Cheryl Wisbrock’s watercolor “Flying High” is a memory of her 25 year old nylon kite. It is unstructured until the wind catches it, then it really flies high!
“As an artist, I can play with colors and shapes, and create my own narrative. “Kids and Kites” acrylic shows a fun day at the beach with colorful kites flying and kids playing, while the waves roll in” says Dale Sheldon. Joyce Condry tells a story with her acrylic painting “Made by Dad”. My first and only kite was one my father made for me when I was a kid. It was fashioned out of newspaper and a few sticks of lath. I couldn’t get it in the air and with Dad’s help got it aloft a few times by racing wildly around the yard. Laura Hickman’s pastel “Kite Tails” also tells a tale. “Kites should be heading up, up and away, but this one seems doomed to stay earthbound, as two best friends decide to fight for the claim of an ascending tail.”