Bathing Beauties
June 26 - July 30, 2019
Gallery One is pleased to announce its July theme: “Bathing Beauties” open to the public June 26-July 30, 2019.
May 29 - June 25, 2019
Gallery One is pleased to announce its June theme “Road Trip Along Route 1” open to the public May 29 - June 25, 2019.
In My Backyard
May 1 - May 28, 2019
A backyard is a yard at the back of a house, common in suburban developments in the western world. Such a simple definition hardly does justice to the "backyard" that we are blessed with here at the beach, and the artists illustrating that theme this month at Gallery One offer up the proof of that beautifully.
Tulip Time
April 3 - April 30, 2019
The weather may still be chilly but the appearance of tulips as one of the first signs of spring offers us encouragement that warmer days are coming. This month’s theme, "Tulip Time" celebrates the coming of spring by paying tribute to the tulip.
Warm and Cool
February 27 - April 2, 2019
This month the "Warm and Cool" theme for the artists at Gallery One is a play on words, with the artists contemplating the chilly temperature outside and warmth to come. The artistic rule of juxtaposing warm and cool colors to make a balanced composition applies.
The Color Purple
January - February 2019
This month the artists at Gallery One embrace a color as a theme. While artists love COLOR, sometimes "The Color Purple" can be intimidating. To the viewer it can seem unnatural or aggressive - it lacks the familiarity of say a blue or a cream. But that makes purple unique. Purple has been seen symbolically as the color of royalty, power and mystery, with various shades having different meanings and feelings and evoking these energies in viewers.
Light Matters
November 28 - January 1
This month the artists at Gallery One embrace a theme intrinsic to all “Art” - “Light”. Light can be in all its forms, from the straightforward depiction of its illuminating effects to the more metaphorical emotions that the word Light conveys. This idea is summed up in artist Jeanne Mueller’s sentiment, “Do you feel happy if you wake up to a sunrise where the sun is peeping out as if to say, “Good Morning” rather than a gloomy, cloudy day? I know I do! Another day is dawning and with it comes a new day filled with new adventures in life. “Sunrise at Cape Henlopen State Park” is Jeanne Mueller’s oil painting of the sun coming up over the ocean - always different and always beautiful.
The Shape of Things
October 31 -December 4
Initially, most of us identify an object by its shape. Artist Joyce Condry recalls “a beginning drawing class decades ago, the instructor told us to look for shapes in our subject matter such as seeing a house as a rectangle, the roof as a triangle, an orange as a circle, etc. This month the artists at Gallery One go “back to basics” andexplore “The Shape of Things”.
October 3 - 30
Reflections are what artists paint. Many scenes or subjects require careful and considered thought before transforming them to the canvas. Paintings are often a reflection of the artist and the viewer sees the scene or subject through the eyes of the artist. This month the artists at Gallery One present their unique version of reflections.
Our Good Earth
August 29 - October 2
We spend our entire lifetime surrounded by our beautiful earth.We are delighted visually and nourished physically by the world around us.This month the artists of Gallery One have paused to visualize “Our Good Earth”.
Same Place, Funland
August 1 - 28
This month the artists at Gallery One were challenged to paint the same subject, “Funland” in Rehoboth Beach. The lazy days of summer for many vacationers and locals includes a visit to the local family run amusement park, “Funland”. The artists of Gallery One sifted through memories and photos to attempt the complicated structures of old and new rides and to portray the energy and delight of the children in one of their favorite places at the beach!
Beach Odyssey
June 27 - July 31
This is the time of year when many families begin their beach odyssey. It is a time for fun, family time, and reacquainting to the longer days and slower pace of beach life. The artists at Gallery One demonstrate their version of “Beach Odyssey”.
May 30 - June 28
Sanctuaries are generally a place of refuge and protection. Delaware is gifted with many areas of sanctuary. “The peacefulness of our waters has become a sanctuary for me and everyone that lives here. Our beaches and nature vistas captivate me” and is reflected in Dianne Shearon’s acrylic “Tidal Marsh”. Artist Cheryl Wisbrock began “Assateague Daybreak”, acrylic, “on my easel before dawn, hoping to capture wildlife and savoring the quiet time in this pristine sanctuary. I was alone when I set up, and was disappointed to find that I was still alonelong after sunrise... no ponies, foxes, bunnies. Absolutely nothing appeared in the early hours. However, I will always cherish the peaceful time enjoyed in this nature preserve watching daylight grow.”
Up, Up & Away
May 2 - 29
Mary Beth Paterson’s oil “Higher than a Kite” portrays a birds-eve-view of a soaring kite. Her wonderful use of color, value and composition brings kite flying to life. Jan Moffatt’s “Let it Go” acrylic portrays her love of butterfly kites with bright and free flying kites soaring over the beach.“Up and Away” oil by Jeanne Mueller features a festive kite. “I love watching kites on the beach. I could watch them for hours swirling around on the air currents by the ocean.”
My Favorite Things
April 4 - May 1
Everyone has favorites. Artists tend to have many and favorites can lead to a lifetime of painting subjects. The artists at Gallery One are pleased to display some of their favorite themes. Gardens and flowers are stimulating in their beautifully colored masses and beckon artists to paint them.“Spring is coming, the sun is shining and flowers are blooming everywhere” is evident in Dianne Shearon’s watercolor, “You are my Sunshine”.
Animal Kingdom
Febraury 28 - April 3
Animals are fellow travelers. They touch us in many ways filling our lives with wonder, joy, and unconditional love. This month the artists from Gallery One observe and experience the animal kingdom.