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Delaware Artist Marybeth Paterson

Michelle Marshall
Oil / Acrylic


Michelle Marshall is a Rehoboth Beach native and has exhibited and taught locally for the past decade, her work has received numerous awards and honors, including having her work in Sen. Chris Coons Washington, D.C. offices since 2011, featured in Beach Life magazine twice, Michelle also actively participates in plain-air competitions winning first place in the 2012 Coastal Plein air locally and recently being awarded Best Use of Light in this years competition. 

Michelle has a BFA from the University of Delaware.  Michelle’s work focuses on the local landscape but her work communicates a universal awe-struck affection for vast unspoiled marshes and wide open skies. Incandescent tones and intense color merge to create signature ethereal scenes verging on abstraction, but still conveying a sense of place and mood.


Original Painting by Delaware artist Michelle Marshall
Original Painting by Delaware artist Michelle Marshall
Original Painting by Delaware artist Michelle Marshall
Original Painting by Delaware artist Michelle Marshall





Gallery One       PO Box 302       32 Atlantic Avenue       Ocean View, Delaware 19970       302-537-5055
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